Project Supervision:
Following are the projects I have supervised.                

1. Vehicle Detection and Classification in Bhutan:- Penjor Tshering, Tenzin Phuntsho, Thinley Phuntsho, Tshering Pem, and Karma Wangchuk
2. Crop Health Monitoring System:- Dechen Wangmo, Kinley Wangchuk, Sonam Choden, Tsheten Dorji, Yeshi Jamtsho, and Karma Wangchuk

1. Dzongkha to English Translation System:- Dodrup Wangchuk Sherpa, Thinley Norbu, and Sonam Yangchen, and Karma Wangchuk
2. Buddhist Painting Recognition System:- Tashi Phuntsho, Prem Bdr Bhandari, and Nar Maya Tamang, and Karma Wangchuk
3. Smart Animal Detection System for Crop Protection in Bhutan:- Tenzin Norzang, Sonam Deki, Thinley Jigme, Tsheten Dorji, and Karma Wangchuk

1. Dzongkha Word Prediction System:- Prerna Chhetri, Tenzin Yoezer, Phuntsho Wangmo, Tshewang Bomjan, and Karma Wangchuk
2. Bhutanese Sign Language Word Recognition System:- Bhuwan Sharma Koirala,Karzey Dema,Kezang Loday,Sonam Phuntsho, and Karma Wangchuk